These books have useful guidance to help with various aspects of separation and shared parenting.

Child-Inclusive Mediation
“The right to be heard” is the…

The 50/50 Solution
Emma Johnson’s new book brings…

Fathers and Violence
This new book by Carla Smith S…

Parental Alienation Guide
Billed as a “Definitive Guide…

It’s Not About Us
Darlene Taylor has written a c…

Myths and Lies About Dads: How They Hurt Us All
A new book from Dr Linda Niels…

Two new accounts of Parental Alienation
Losing all contact with your c…

Coparenting BIFF guide published
Despite their slightly alarmin…

Serpent Child – childhood experiences of parental alienation
Patricia Riley’s new book tell…

Parenting Apart: How Separated and Divorced Parents Can Raise Happy and Secure Kids
Good for: breaking down how children may be affected by separation at each developmental stage from 0-18 years.

Partnership Parenting: How Men and Women Parent Differently-Why It Helps Your Kids and Can Strengthen Your Marriage
Good for: explaining the value of balancing different ways of parenting.

Mom’s House, Dad’s House: A Complete Guide for Parents Who Are Separated, Divorced, or Living Apart
Good for: simple introductions to legal systems and parenting agreements. Tips for a “businesslike” relationship with an ex-partner.

Shared Parenting: Successfully sharing custody of children 50-50 in separated relationships
Good for: an honest and personal account from a British shared parenting Dad.

The Guide For Separated Parents: Putting children first
Good for: practical tips when taking a child-centered approach.

Parents Acting Badly
The sub-title of this new book…