Calm potentially high-conflict separation

Support your children through the stress of separation

New Ways For Families is a ten-module online course, with additional one-to-one coaching sessions, designed to help separated parents learn key behavioural skills so support themselves and their children through separation, which could allow you to avoid costly legal fees later on. The course is provided and organised by Shared Parenting Scotland, operating under licence from the High Conflict Institute, and is now being run throughout the United Kingdom with our team of UK coaches.


  • 10 interactive online modules (approx 10-15 hours at your own pace)
  • Optional one-to-one coaching sessions to practice the skills
  • Recognised certificate on completion


  • Online self-learning £50
  • Online course with 2 coaching sessions £210
  • Online course with 3 coaching sessions £270
  • Additional 90 minute coaching session £70
* Training free for separating veteran and military families.
* Bursaries available for those on benefits and low-income.

‘New Ways for Families can help before big decisions are made: in mediation, collaborative divorce, or litigation’

Click the video below to hear more about how New Ways For Families can help you.

“The benefits of NWFF training are that it’s a hybrid model that you can do online at your own pace, and is supported by three sessions with coaches

Claire Ross – New Ways For Families Coach

The four key behavioural skills focussed on are:

Managing Emotions

  • Controlling anger, sadness, fear, and anxiety so as not to over-react
  • Protecting children from a parent’s extreme emotions

Flexible Thinking

  • Acknowledging there being more than solution to a problem
  • Turning complaints into proposals for future behaviour and agreements

Moderating Behaviour

  • Avoiding extreme actions, language and parenting requests
  • Responding to hostile communications in a way that avoids conflict

Checking Yourself

  • Reminding yourself to use these skills in times of stress
  • Developing empathy, attention and respect

Click here to see our coaches

Why New Ways For Families?

The course has 10 interactive modules with option to self learn, or learn with coach support. Click the box above to view module titles.

The course starts at only £50 with additional coach support available at an extra cost

Receive one-to-one professional coaching to support your learning journey.

The course features information, videos and role play, as well as a personal journal where learners can document their journey. It provides a skills-based, “no blame, no shame” online educational program for parents in divorce or separation who could benefit from learning new communication, emotion management, and problem-solving skills.

New Ways For Families is not mediation. Even if both parents sign up they will be allocated a different coach. It’s not legal advice. The training promotes greater levels of respect, empathy and attention from its learners. The primary goal is to teach parents the skills necessary to effectively resolve co-parenting disagreements while remaining calm and protecting their children from the conflict. The course may be voluntary, recommended, or mandated by courts or other professionals.

Give your child the support they deserve today – buy your New Ways For Families training now.

There are three routes to the training:

  • Access to the ten modules for self learning
  • Access to the ten modules plus 2 coach support sessions to imbed and practice your learning
  • Access to the ten modules plus 3 coach support sessions to imbed and practice your learning

If you’d like to speak to someone before purchasing, please contact us