Our Funders

Shared Parenting Scotland is very grateful for the support we are currently receiving from the following funders. Click here for a full list of our funders

Scottish Government Justice Directorate
Supporting helpline running costs and to support the national roll-out of the New Ways For Families® training programme.

Children, Young People & Families Early Intervention Fund
Supporting parents to deal with family breakdown and put the welfare of their children at the heart of the process, engaging with marginalised groups of parents and increasing the awareness and understanding of professionals and decision makers on the benefits of shared parenting in Scotland and internationally

Robertson Trust
Supporting the Partnership Development and Outreach Manager’s salary and on-costs

Veterans’ Foundation
Contributing to the salary of the Veterans/Armed Forces Manager over a two-year period.

Community Mental Health and Welfare Funds
Funding through the following organisations in Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen to deliver the Love Loss and Living training to support parents who are not seeing their children.

Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council

Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations

Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action

Trades House of Glasgow Commonweal Fund
Providing New Ways For Families® training to parents on low income in Glasgow

Hillcrest Foundation
Providing more support to parents with learning challenges who are undertaking our training programmes

Woodward Charitable Trust

Pettigrew Trust

Souter Charitable Trust

Nancie Massey Charitable Trust