Key topics

Dispute resolution

Introduction to the topic of Dispute Resolution.

We have recently launched the Shared Parenting Scotland website and are continuing to develop the content, please bear with us whilst this happens. In the meantime, if you have specific questions, please contact us


What are Child Maintenance payments supposed to cover?

How does the Child Maintenance Service decide on equal shared care?

When do I stop paying maintenance for my child?

How can I prove equal care to the CMS?

I have contact time with my kids coming up but my ex has told me they won’t come because of Coronavirus. What should I do.

How can I obtain a parenting agreement?

How can I obtain Parental Rights and Responsibilities?

What can be done to prevent parental alienation?

How to start family mediation?

Who can apply for a child’s passport?

Does Housing Benefit allow for shared parenting?

Can the surname of my child be changed?

How paternity can be established?

What is the difference between supervised and supported contact in a child contact centre?

Can child maintenance be recalculated if your income changes?

How is child maintenance calculated?

Can I stop my ex-partner from moving away with the children?

Can my children be taken abroad without my permission?

Can denial of contact be considered as coercive control?

Does a divorce have to include consideration of contact arrangements?

What happens if we go to family mediation?

My name isn’t on the birth certificate of my child, how can I deal with this?


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