How to Keep Your Cool When Co-Parenting This Christmas

Poor communication between separated parents is bad for their children and for themselves. In the second video in our How to Keep Your Cool! animations, Shared Parenting Scotland we apply the BIFF principles to a stand-off between father (Thomas) and mother (Erika) about whether their children should go to a log cabin with their father for Christmas to see their grandparents, even though the arrangement was for them to have Christmas with their mum this year, and she’s already made plans…

Follow us on social media for more How to Keep Your Cool! animations, and purchase the BIFF book through our website. And remember, keep communications with your co-parent Brief, Friendly, Informative, and Firm.

You can see the 5 minute animation on Youtube below:

You can also check out the below video for how to make Christmas the best it can possibly be for your child if you’re co-parenting this Christmas.

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