Shared Parenting Scotland completed its year-long pilot of New Ways For Families® programme for separated parents and launched it as part of the range of services it now offers in Scotland over two days of presentations and events last week.
Bill Eddy and Megan Hunter from the US High Conflict Institute spoke to meetings of interested lawyers and other professionals in Glasgow on Wednesday 24th May and in Edinburgh on Thursday 25th May.
In the evening of Wednesday 24th they presented to an invited audience of politicians and professionals and both learners and coaches from the pilot at the Scottish Parliament. The meeting was hosted by Scottish National Party MSP, Fulton MacGregor, and heard an encouraging keynote speech from Siobhian Brown, Scottish Government Minister for Victims and Community Safety.
The meeting also heard from Ms Michal Fein, family lawyer and mediator in Israel who spoke about Changing the culture of divorce in Israel.
A preliminary independent evaluation of the year-long pilot has been received from Professor Jeff Chang of Athabascau University, Canada, who interviewed learners and coaches over the period of the pilot and recorded substantial positive views and observations on their experience of the programme.
The full speech by the Minister is here
Further information about New Ways For Families® is here