Fulton MacGregor MSP, (SNP) told the Secretary for Justice, Humza Yousaf, that in common with other MSPs he is receiving queries from constituents whose contact time with their children has been stopped or restricted. Speaking at last week’s online session of the Justice Committee Mr MacGregor asked Mr Yousaf what reassurance he can give such parents while the courts are operating on a limited basis.
Mr Yousaf accepted that there are difficulties and he recognised that the present situation is having an effect on families and that fathers are worried about their children and he would reflect on what further he could do.
Shared Parenting Scotland National Manager, Ian Maxwell, said, “We are grateful to Fulton MacGregor for raising the issue with the Justice Secretary. We have been urging the Scottish Government to be more explicit about the positive mental health and emotional benefits there are for travel between homes of parents who do not live together. The benefits for the children is continuity and to reduce anxiety about whether the other parent is well. But it is also good for the mental health of both parents at a time of great stress. We urge parents to work together on this. Their children want to know that in an emergency their parents can pull together for them.”