From conflict to agreement


This video from the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles family court website shows a training session for parents aimed at building their co-parenting skills.

It shows Tomigo and Donovan taking part in a court-ordered parenting education group “Between Two Parents”. They learn about ways to reduce conflict and support their child, such as talking about “our child” not “my child”, and how to find ways to say something positive about their ex-partner to their child.  The groups involve both parents together, unlike the Parenting Apart session that various local mediation services run in Scotland.

The Los Angeles Court also has just launched a new online tool to help parents resolve disputes without coming to court. This free service will help them reach a Parenting Plan Agreement,  offering access to justice in convenient, efficient ways during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The family court website also offers comprehensive information about how the family court works along with links to extra support such as a High Conflict Parents Referral List. 

Even if we seem to be a long way from having a separate family court in Scotland, it would be useful to have all such services signposted from the Scottish Courts and Tribunals web site.