Florida and Missouri pass equal shared parenting presumption bills

Florida’s equal shared parenting presumption bill has just passed both chambers of the Florida legislature by overwhelming margins. In the Florida House, the vote was 105 in favor of the bill and only 5 opposing it. In the Florida Senate, there were 34 votes in favor and just 3 opposing the bill.

The bill now goes to Governor Desantis’s desk where it can become law with or without his signature unless he vetoes it. Should he veto the bill, it will go back to the legislature for an override vote. Unless quite a few legislators withdraw their support for the bill, a veto would be overridden.

The bill, HB 1301 provides that:
“Unless otherwise provided in this section or agreed to by the parties, there is a rebuttable presumption that equal time-sharing of a minor child is in the best interests of the minor child. To rebut this presumption, a party must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that equal timesharing is not in the best interests of the minor child. Except when a time-sharing schedule is agreed to by the parties and approved by the court, the court must evaluate all of the factors set forth in subsection (3) and make specific written findings of fact when creating or modifying a timesharing schedule.”

An Equal Shared Parenting bill passed in the final hour of session of the Missouri legislature. The new law adds a rebuttable presumption when determining child custody arrangements.