£2 pays for the tea and biscuits at a local group meeting. People hear from others going through similar issues at meetings and don't feel so alone. Everyone is welcome at the meetings, see the listings on this website.
Donate £2 Donate £2
What £10 could do
£10 pays for the time we spend to compile the answer to one of the Frequently Asked Questions on the new web site. FAQs are based on real enquiries in order to help others deal with similar issues.
Donate £10 Donate £10
What £50 could do
£50 pays for the cost of training a lay supporter to accompany someone to court if they don't have a lawyer. The supporter provides moral support, takes notes and helps people to know how the court works.
Donate £50 Donate £50
What £100 could do
£100 pays for us to publish a factsheet on a new topic, based on an issue that people are asking us about.
Donate £100 Donate £100
Open donation
If we have given you a lot of help and you can afford it, we are very grateful for larger donations.
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