Don’t give up on yourself. Don’t give up for your kids.

We hear daily on our helpline voices of distress and disbelief – parents who are in shock at the disruption and sometimes destruction of their previously close and loving relationship with their children after separation or divorce.

We know it is hard. We hear the pain. But we say, “don’t give up hope. You need to be there when your children come back to you.” As often they do.

Above all we ask them to look after themselves – to take help wherever is offered.

We took a call last month from a family member of Moray man, Roy Humphrey, telling us the dreadful news that he had taken his own life. Mourners at his funeral were invited to consider making a donation to us, under our old name of Families Need Fathers Scotland. The collection raised £607 which we have received, with thanks to everyone who gave generously but also with desperate regret at the loss of a father’s life.

As a campaigning charity we press for a more humane – a more human system for helping separating parents find a way to co-operation for their children.

This is not the place to list the changes of law or attitude we seek that would stop parents being pitted against each other, battling each other for time with their own children. Parents need support and encouragement to do the best for their children at the time of separation, not help to draw up battle lines.

We offer a free course called Love, Loss and Living that we have developed to help fathers or mothers who are not seeing their children at all, or hardly at all, with their feelings of grief and bereavement. 

This is the place simply to remember Roy and mourn the loss of a father.

We urge everyone who reads this story and who knows someone struggling with separation, don’t miss the chance to talk.

These services are available:


Breathing Space – phone 0800 83 85 87

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